\n\n針對堆棧式(Stack sensor)的特性,本公司可提供加印黑框的製程。
‧ GBH Insights expects this year’s Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL) iPhones to sell up to 350M units in the next 12 to 18 months.
\n\n‧ Analyst Daniel Ives says many existing iPhone owners didn’t upgrade last year since the 8 and 8 Plus were similar to earlier models and the X was too expensive for many users.
\n\n‧ This year’s iPhone lineup is expected to include an X update with a more modest price in the $700 to $800 range and an X Plus for those wanting a premium model.
\n\n‧ Ives says China is a significant opportunity with about 100M iPhone customers with about 60M to 70M due for an upgrade over the next 18 months.
\n\n\n‧ Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL) may be planning to use OLED screens for all its upcoming iPhone models, according to South Korea's Electronic Times.
\n\n‧ At the moment, only the iPhone X uses OLED, while the iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus both have LCD screens.
\n\n\n‧ Apple’s (NASDAQ:AAPL) HomePods only sold 600K units in their first quarter of release, according to Strategy Analytics data.
\n\n‧ The performance gives HomePod a 6% smart speaker market share compared to Amazon’s (NASDAQ:AMZN) 4M quarterly Echo sales and 43.6% share and Google’s (GOOG, GOOGL) 2.4M Home sales and 26.5% market share. Alibaba’s (NYSE:BABA) smart speaker came in third with 700K units and a 7.6% share.
\n\n‧ But HomePod wasn’t in last place: Xiaomi (BATS:XI) only sold 200K units in the quarter for a 2.4% market share.
\n\n\n‧ Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT) plans to release a low-cost line of tablets to rival Apple’s iPad, according to Bloomberg.
\n\n‧ The new Surface tablets would cost about $400 and feature 10-in. screens, rounded edges, USB-C connectivity (a first for Surfaces), and weight about 20% less than the Pro models. The budget line will have a battery life that’s about four hours less than the Pro line.
\n\n‧ Intel (NASDAQ:INTC) will supply the processor and graphics chips, according to Bloomberg sources.
\n\n‧ Microsoft previously released the $499 Surface RT in 2012 to limited success before switching to the Surface Pro line.
\n\n‧ In the past year, Apple sold 44M iPads for $20B in revenue. Microsoft’s Surface hardware business had sales of $4.4B in the same period.
\n\n‧ The new Surface tablets will debut in 2H18.
\n\n\n‧ In summer 2017, Apple admitted to work on self-driving technology.
\n\n‧ Little details have been revealed since that time, but automotive-related patents can shed some light on Apple's possible strategy.
\n\n‧ The corporation has the second-largest fleet of autonomous cars in California. Apple now has more cars in the region than Tesla or even Waymo.
\n\n‧ The automotive market is a very promising source of revenue for Apple, which is another reason to stay long.
\n\n\n‧ Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. (NYSE:TSM) has started mass production of its next-gen 7nm processors for the new Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL) iPhones launching this year, according to Bloomberg sources.
\n\n‧ The processor will likely be called the A12 chip and will have a smaller and more efficient performance than the 10nm chips in current iPhones.
\n\n‧ TSMC announced the 7nm mass production in April but didn’t disclose a partner.
\n\n\n‧ Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL) iPhone shipments in the U.S. grew 16% Y/Y in Q1, according to Counterpoint data.
\n\n‧ Shipments totaled 16M iPhones and the strong showing gave Apple a U.S. market share of 42%.
\n\n‧ Samsung (OTC:SSNNF, OTC:SSNLF) came in second with a 22% share with shipments down 4% Y/Y.
\n\n‧ Super-premium phones costing more than $800 accounted for 20% of Apple’s Q1 sales and 8% of Samsung’s sales.
\n‧ A CNET source says Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL) will have an AR/VR headset ready by 2020.
‧ The source says the project, code-named T288, would include an 8K display for each eye.
\n\n‧ CEO Tim Cook is a big proponent of AR and calls it “a big idea like the smartphone.”
\n‧ President Donald Trump and Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL) CEO Tim Cook will meet today.
‧ The nature of the talks wasn’t disclosed but come as the potential US-China trade ware heats up.
\n\n‧ Apple builds most of its products in China then exports those products around the world.
\n\n‧ Yesterday, President Trump said there was a “very good chance” the countries could reach a deal.
\n\n‧ Apple shares are up 1.2%.
\n賈伯斯最後遺作,2011年底上市的蘋果iPhone 4S,是第一支照相品質足以媲美專業單眼相機的手機。有此利器在手,果粉到處自拍打卡的風氣從此一發不可收拾。
\niPhone 4S成像品質大幅提升的關鍵之一,在於蘋果首度在手機相機導入藍玻璃濾光片,可吸收多餘的紅外光,還原物體的真實顏色。此後,藍玻璃濾光片也成為包括三星、小米等所有高階手機相機的標準配備。...
根據外電指出,美近期可能擴大對中國進口產品的關稅課徵,總統川普可能啟動美國貿易法 301 條款的相關行動,對高達 600 億美元中國商品課稅,品項可能多達百項,鎖定科技及電信;中美貿易戰火可能波及台灣在中國設廠的廠商,包括電信、網通設備、科技產品廠是否存有潛在風險值得觀察。
\n美國總統川普今年來祭出連串的關稅措施,從太陽能板、洗衣機到最近的鋼鋁關稅等,外電報導表示,根據白宮高級貿易官員指出,對進口鋼鋁課徵懲罰性關稅,是針對中國不公平貿易的第一步行動,下一步則將考慮 301 條款的相關行動...
在電動車加速發展情況,鈷金屬的需求大於供應,而鈷同時為鋰電池的主要原料,據消息人士透露,蘋果正與礦廠接洽,欲簽屬長期供應鈷金屬的合約,以確保有足夠的鈷以提供 iPhone 及 iPad 的電池製造。
\n在過去的 18 個月中,鈷金屬的價格已漲了兩倍之多,每噸價格超過 8 萬美元。
\n蘋果為鈷金屬最大的需求者之一,但在過去蘋果將購買鈷金屬的工作,交給其電池供應商,為了確保未來能獲得穩定的鈷金屬供應,知情人士透露,蘋果將親自出馬談論長期供應合約,希望合約年數為 5 年以上,而每年礦商至少能供應數千公噸的鈷金屬,蘋果發言人拒絕發表評論...
Finisar (NASDAQ:FNSR) gains 2.4% to $18.60 premarket after telling a local news outlet that production will soon begin at its Sherman, Texas plant.
\n\nVP and GM Curtis Barratt tells TV station KXII: “About 90 percent of the equipment is on order, and we’ll bring that in starting in April or May. We’ll start the line first articles by August and production will get going by October.”
\n\nLast December, Apple paid Finisar $390M against future orders, which went towards funding the 700K square foot plant in Sherman.
\n\nFinisar produces vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers (VCSELs), a laser tech used in the iPhone X’s Face ID system and Portrait-mode pictures.
\n\nBloomberg sources recently said three new iPhones will release this year and all will include Face ID...
\n\n\n\nAMZN recently agreed to a $1 billion deal to acquire Ring, a home security manufacturer.
\n\nRing's internet connected home security products integrates well with the popular Echo range.
\n\nMore rivalry and competition between AMZN and GOOG in smart-homes and smart-cities, a key growth sector in the coming years.
\nAt the Consumer Electronics Show in January 2018, popular products in the past year such as drones, GoPros and 4K TVs, have had to stand aside for the newest addition in technology -- smart homes. Powered by voice recognition technology, major technology firms such as Amazon (AMZN), Google (GOOG) (NASDAQ:GOOGL), Apple (AAPL) and Samsung (SSLNF) have devoted much of their new product R&D efforts into this particular niche...
\nApple (NASDAQ:AAPL) hit a new high today as shares bumped $182 intraday before slipping back down slightly.
\n\nThe move put Apple’s market cap over $925B, ahead of Alphabet and Amazon, in the race towards the $1T mark.
\n\nApple shares closed the day up 1% to $181.72.
\n\nPreviously: Apple Music hits 38M paid subscribers; Apple orders first animated series (March 12)...
\n本產品主要的功用是改善色偏及眩光問題,其運作原理主要是經由吸收紅外光,減少CMOS\n sensor感應到的紅外光強度,讓屏幕上的色彩呈現更自然,更接近人眼的色彩感受。目前已經廣泛運用在智慧型手機,單反相機及無人機等各類需要攝像頭模組,且對影像呈現品質有要求的消費性電子產品。
\n利用石英雙折射晶體的分光性質來實現低通濾波,目前主要應用在數位相機,安防監控產品,PC cam 及IR cam等產品。
\n白金是業界少數幾家能夠提供符合3D模組濾片規格要求的廠商,目前的結構光或是ToF模組,都需要搭配紅外窄帶濾片(IR band pass filter),其中有三大重點特性:1. Low Angle\n Shift 2.光譜截止區做到超低穿透, 也就是High OD(Optical Density), 能有效抑制可見光源 3. Particle\n control。只有把這三項做到極致,濾片才能幫助整個模組精準地做到深度偵測(depth sensing)的要求,捕抓到3D建模所需要的資料。
\n 詳情規格請來信詢問 Contact window: \n kyle.wu@ptotinc.com\n
可應用於高溫燒結膠材,如太陽能導電銀膠/鋁膠、被動元件保護膠或端電極膠、LED導電膠、Touch Panel導電膠...等。
\n 詳情規格請來信詢問 Contact window: kyle.wu@ptotinc.com
\n ● 半透明的白玻璃基材可以讓光更均勻地擴散
\n ● 固態擴散物質, 使其可以運用到任何方向
\n ● 高度光學一致性, 優秀的品質穩定性
\n ● 兩面皆有光學擴散效用, 透射的光線具有近朗勃特性 (near-Lambertian)
\n ● 極佳的光擴散效果
\n ● 可耐高溫,可靠性更佳
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